Hello from Malakoff Road where the sun has been shining this past week and the blossoms are blooming. Oh, and the frogs are back, the best night time serenade.
The last month has been particularly full, no improv quilting unfortunately but lots of ideas percolating for when I DO have the time to sit in my studio and work on a piece. I did take an online zoom class with David Hastings-Owens, 'Mini Mid-Modern Quilts' - a great way to introduce yourself to improvisational quilting on a small scale (approximately 5 inch blocks) which you can use in a variety of ways. Here's the link to the workshop page on David's website: https://davidowenhastings.com/portfolio_category/workshops/
One piece of very exciting news, is that I have had a piece juried into Quilt Canada this year. If you are attending Quilt Canada in Halifax, check out the Abstract Improvisational category for my piece. Heather Le Serve also has a piece juried in which was quilted by me, in the 'Patterns, Wall Hangings and Bed Quilts' category. Want more information on Quilt Canada? Here's a link: https://canadianquilter.com/quilt-canada-2023/ We have been asked not to share images of juried quilts before the show, so watch for the next newsletter where I'll share them.
Enjoy some pictures below, and I hope you find time to soak up the beauty of Spring.
Sarah Jane.
Are all longarm machines computerised?
No. There are 2 kinds of longarm machines.
Computerised machines will stitch by themselves once a stitching pattern is loaded.
Hand-guided machines do not move by themselves. They require a human to move them and create the designs.
Heritage Art has a hand-guided longarm machine.
Customer quilt pictures…..
A dinosaur quilt for a new baby, by Militza Villarroel. 'Big Leaf' pantograph has been used to quilt the layers together.
Closeup of dinosaur quilt.
'Hot Wheels' baby quilt, by Militza Villarroel. Quilting pattern is 'Vertigo'.
'Postcards from Sweden' Quilt.
A pop of colour sure to brighten any room, pieced by Lorraine Byrne.
Back of ‘Postcards from Sweden’ quilt.
Meet 'Lloyd and Lola'! Quilt pieced by Sally Kelly. Quilting pattern is 'Bauhaus'. NOTE: This is a close-up of the very cute llamas, I forgot to take an 'overall' picture of the quilt due to the llama 'cuteness overload' but I did snap a close-up of the top border, check out the picture below.
Dresden Plate Quilt, by Cathy Cummings. Custom quilting using rulers and freehand.
Photo showing back of the Dresden Plate Quilt.
Thanks for reading my newsletter! If you have any questions please let me know. Happy sewing. Sarah Jane.